It’s been a year since you were competing on American Idol, what’s been your most memorable moment of the past year?
I think getting to perform for 30 million people every week was a big one :) But ya know what tops that? It was getting married New Years Eve to my (now) wife Heidi. It was such a magic moment that it just prevails over all others :)
What’s been your favorite song to perform off of your Memories Of A Beautiful Disaster album?
Lately my two favorite songs to perform have been "Love In Ruins" and "Screaming." I have so much fun performing "Love In Ruins" because the song has so much energy. This song lets me "let loose" and I'll be dancing around playing the tambourine lol. The song "Screaming" is fun because I get to use my custom drawn megaphone, ala Jimmy "The Mouth of the South" Hart (sorry lol wrestling :P), that my manager gave me for my birthday. Also this song comes right after a drum solo and a guitar solo, so there's a ton of energy built up on that stage.
What’s the weirdest place an idea for a song has come to you?
I'd have to say a strange place would be (pre-Idol) delivering pizzas! I was a pizza delivery boy before Idol. I'd be driving around town with my CD player booming with 80's hair metal, and suddenly I'd come up with an idea, pull over, get my phone out and record it. The funniest thing about it is, I still have those recordings saved! Haven't done anything with them yet, but there's no better time like the present!
The NFL played your song “Stand Up” during their fall and winter season last year. What’s that like to have your song played at stadiums nationwide?
Ya know, the dream is to play my songs in stadiums :) And I know that is so far in the future, I don't even like thinking about it. So this early in my career, the beginning, to have one of my songs played in stadiums across the country is just crazy lol. Another really awesome part about this, is that my band and I actually got to play "Stand Up" and "Love Me Bad" at a SF 49ers halftime show! Now that was the icing on the cake!
I asked your fans on twitter to tweet me some questions for you, so here are a few:
Marie90501 wants to know, How are the plans for the tour coming? Do you know what cities you and the band will play?
Tour plans are going great! We'll be on the road all Spring and Summer! It's my mission to hit every major city across the country and hopefully venture up to Canada too! Keep checking for upcoming details.
From DurbinatorNo669, What was your most memorable moment on the American Idol Tour?
My most memorable moment on the Idols Live Tour 2011 was getting to come out through the crowd like I did EVERY SINGLE night! It was such an adrenaline rush every night. I would be so pumped up from listening to HARDCORE SUPERSTAR right before I went out. I like to think that I made an impact on more people that way. Ya know? How many people can say that they remember being at a concert, watching their favorite singer, and they came out through the back of the arena and high-fived them? It's far out. I'm glad I thought of it lol :)

I have no plans at the moment to work with anyone, which means I'm open to working with anyone. I'd really love to write with James Michael and Marty Fredriksen again! We wrote "Higher Than Heaven," as well as an unreleased track titled "In The Name Of Love," brilliant stuff. Both guys are one of a kind writers and I always learn so much from working with them!
Another would be Nikki Sixx. Hes such a deep soul that it would be great to pick his brain through song writing sessions! Hell, let's put James Michael back in there with Nikki, seeing as that's 2/3 of Sixx A.M., now lets put DJ Ashba in there too. I wrote "Crawling Home" with DJ. So many awesome people out there to write with! I'd also really love to sit in room and write with Adde Moon and Jocke Berg from Hardcore Superstar. Come on guys! Come to the USA! I'll meet you anywhere just to have the opportunity to write with you! Thanks for the great question!
From Durbinator1077, If you could bring back one era of music which would it be, the 60's, 70's, 80's or 90's? Why?
I'm surprised you even had to ask me that question lol. 80's of course. I dont know what it is about the 80's that fuels me so much... Maybe it's because I was born in 1989 and I've always felt this hunger for the 80's... like I was jipped out of being an 80's hair metal child! "Why?! Why?!" lol.
From LisaDavis46, Do you have another instrument that you would like to learn to play? If so which one?
I play guitar, little bit of bass, bit of piano, drums, kazoo, recorder, tambourine, megaphone, I sing from time to time, but I've always wanted to learn to play harmonica. It's either you get it or you don't, which is the weird thing. I've had a little lesson and was told that I have it in me, but I just need the time to practice. I'd also like to learn banjo and uke. I bought my wife a banjo a couple of years ago with money I made from pan handling with my guitar downtown, but haven't had a chance to learn it lol. As for ukelele, I hear it's very easy if you already play guitar, plus it's a lot easier to lug around. I also heard that George Harrison wrote a lot of his songs on uke, then transferred them to guitar! Ya learn something new every day!
From DrumminDurb: Do you remember the very first song you sang to [your wife] Heidi?
The first song she 'heard' me sing was "Bohemian Rhapsody!" The first song I sang 'to her' was "Faithfully" by Journey! We have the lyrics tattooed on our forearms and when put side by side read "Forever Yours, Faithfully." Thank God I sang "Faithfully" or else we would have lyrics to "My Sharona" lol.
What’s up next for you?
Next? I'm gonna go downstairs and eat breakfast! Then? I fly to L.A. tonight for a private gig with my buddy Stefano tomorrow. Then it's back on the road promoting my album. My single "Love Me Bad" is climbing it's way up the charts and all the hard work is paying off. Like me on and follow me on @DURBINROCK, and I'll keep you updated on where I'll be next!
Do you have a message to your fans?
I tell my fans this every chance I get... You could have the greatest album in history but if you don't have your fans, you're nothing. Thank you, my fans, all over the world. I can't do this without you. I'm James Durbin, Good Night!
And with that said, thanks James for the great interview! Also thanks to all of the Durbinators for tweeting me your questions for James, and congrats to those who got their questions answered!
Be sure to check out James' new music videos for "Stand Up" HERE and read my review of "Love Me Bad" HERE.
Thank you for posting this Interview with James Durbin. James is an awesome performer with an amazing voice. I can't wait to go to his concert and watch him perform songs from his new album, Memories Of A Beautiful Disaster!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great interview with James Durbn!! He is an amazing performer and wonderful human being!! Pick up a copy of his new album Memories of a Beautiful Disaster.which BTW is awesome...and don't miss the chance to see him perform live and rocking soon in a city near you!!! You'll never forget it!!!
ReplyDeleteThank your for this great interview with James Durbin. I purchased his new album Memories Of A Beautiful Disaster at the end of Nov.11 and every track is a keeper. Cannot wait to see James Durbin and his band live!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks everyone! Glad you all enjoyed the interview!